
What a fantastic week it has been!  All children have taken part in their assessments this week.  I have been so impressed at how focused they have been.  Lots of children have been sent to see me because they have made great progress!  I will be writing to those families where children have made greater progress than we would expect.

I have also seen some fantastic learning taking place.

This was a great piece of learning from Team Gardner.  They were looking at cubist art to identify different types of angles.  I think it is brilliant when teachers make links like this to support the children's understanding.

I also need to say how proud I am of the staff at Nightingale.  On Sunday 16th March, many members of staff took part in the 'Where's Wally?' fun run to raise money for The Literacy Trust.

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It was a fantastic day, with a brilliant sun warming us as we ran around Victoria Park. Congratulations to Mr Smith and Mrs Beach who ran 5 km in 26 minutes!  I managed to wheeze my way around in 37 minutes!  

I think Nightingale is a pretty fantastic place to work.  It is a pleasure to come here everyday.  What do you think is the best thing about Nightingale?  Why not post your comments below?



One of my favourite parts of the day is when I walk around the school in the morning.  I try to ensure that I walk into each classroom and talk to the children about their day and what they are going to be learning about.  I have been so incredibly impressed at how settled the children have been, how focused they are on their learning and well behaved they have been.

I have also seen some fantastic teaching from our talented staff.  I spent a few minutes in reception and sat with Mrs Renoo and a small group of children. They demonstrated great behaviour and respect towards Mrs Renoo and really enjoyed their learning.  It was a pleasure to sit with them for some time.  I really enjoyed myself!